Welcome to the official website of the Calgary Welsh Society

i wefan swyddogol Cymdeithas Gymreig Calgary

The society has been in existence since 1906 and is one of the oldest such societies in Alberta. One of the primary aims of the society is to provide a focal and meeting point for those of Welsh origin or descent. Individuals with an interest in Wales and things Welsh are equally welcome.

As a society, we encourage individuals to take pride in our Welsh heritage and culture and to perpetuate the traditions and customs that are unique to Wales. To do this, the society organizes and celebrates a number of social and cultural events throughout the year. We invite you to join us at one of these events.

Sefydlwyd y Gymdeithas yn 1906, ac felly, mae’n un o’r cymdeithasau hynaf yn Alberta. Un o amcanion y Gymdeithas yw crue lle I gyfarfod fel Cymry ‘ar wasgar’. Mae croeso cynnes hefyd, I ymuno a’r gymdeithas I sicrhau dyfodol ein diwylliant Cymreig.

Mea gan Gymru arferion a thraddodiadau unigryw ac mae ‘n ofynnol arnom I anrhydeddu ein etifeddiaeth I hybu hyn, mae’r gymdeithas yn trefnu rhagleni gyfarfodydd cymdeithasol yn ystod y flwyddyn. Mae croeso I chwi tmuno.

Our Aims

  • The perpetuation of pride in our Welsh origins and heritage.
  • The provision of a focal point in Calgary to which people of Welsh origin or people with interest in Wales and in things Welsh can relate for social and cultural benefit.
  • To welcome new Welsh immigrants to our community.
  • To provide a resource of information about Wales for the benefit of others.
  • To assist visitors to our community with an interest in Welsh culture.
  • To maintain contact with other Welsh societies in North America and abroad.
  • To provide a program of social and cultural activities for our members.
  • To maintain regular communication with our members and to encourage participation in our activities.

Affiliated with:

The Calgary Welsh Society was the proud host of the 2016 North American Festival of Wales.


Cover for Calgary WELSH Society
Calgary WELSH Society

Calgary WELSH Society

Welcome to the Calgary Welsh Society Facebook page. For lovers of song, choirs, Welsh-related history, rugby, poetry, fun-filled evenings and other things Welsh........